Elven gryphons
Elven gryphons

When the dragons in Gathering received news of the fallen dragons, they understood that to take on the Chaos Lords it was necessary to share what they knew with the other peoples of Erthuan so that everyone may understand the gravity of the situation. In 922, a silver dragon offered to set off for the elves’ realm to meet the Heru, the Elven princes and the Queen of Roses. Elianor welcomed the majestic silver beast with great honours and quietly listened to the unsettling news he carried, news that would leave a mark on her people’s innocence.

The threat was deemed so great that the elves decided to close their borders and activate the Steles of Magic to raise defences powerful enough to protect the realm of Enidel from any Chaotic influence. The artisans were asked to forego all aesthetic projects and concentrate on making bows, arrows, weapons and armour so that new soldiers could be armed. Skilled longbow rangers were sent to the woodlands and roads of the realm to guard the accesses and keep constant watch. The Heru Salgant went to the families who looked after the herds of Elven horses, and they put their best steeds at his disposal. New horsemen were enlisted, and they entered the troops of the fighting princes to oversee Anidol and the castles and to defend the realm’s inhabitants.

The Heru Taliarin left with an expedition to the Mountains of the Ice Falls to meet the King of the Gryphons and seek their help in the imminent war. In their wisdom, the gryphons understood that there would be no hope for their ancient race were Chaos to prevail; for this reason, and for the old friendship that united them and the elves, they agreed to fight, hundreds of them flying towards Anidol, willing to be ridden by the Elven longspear warriors.

Elven archers
Elven archers

That was when the spirits of the Elven ancestors visited the Queen of Roses to tell her that the world was about to live threatening times, that Enidel was in danger of being seized and its people of suffering greatly. They were the first to utter the word “Happening”: When the Happening comes, the world as you know it will cease to exist. This Era comes to a close, and the arrival of Chaos is the sign!

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