The three Black King
The three Black King

Countless battles have been fought by the factions of Law and Chaos, and many more will be, until one of the two prevails… until the Happening comes and the new Era can begin, as a consequence of the Victory of one of the two warring sides.

The Lord of non-life and non-death established his throne in a fortress created by magic at the bottom of an abyss, a chasm in the Circling Mountains among crevices and caves. From there, he blew his disgusting influence over the villages and hamlets of the valleys and all the way to the cities in the plains. His shadow servants slithered like nightmares in the minds of the inhabitants of the nearby counties, spreading fear and discord, corrupting the village chiefs, and attracting warlocks and callous adventurers. With an army of undead, zombies, skeletons, and wraiths, the Chaos Lord conquered the great city of Koldmont to make it the Capital of his Realm, and from that moment on he was called King of the Unliving.

Specters of Shinlam
Specters of Shinlam

The Lord of Destruction built a hall in the depths of the Dryss Mountains, and he surrounded it with defences, tunnels, dungeons, and he called it Tasguzar, and there he created the golems; beings without a conscience, made of stone and metal and kept together by magic. Orcs and goblins kneeled to his power, and those he did not slaughter venerated him as their King and Master. Under his command, valleys and villages were conquered, men and animals massacred, and dwarves and giants fled. Although many humanoid tribes joined in on his thirst for conquest, the Chaos Lord hated those weak races, as he wanted a people worthy of his hostile, violent temperament.

Wolf-riding orcs
Wolf-riding orcs

The Lord of Betrayal and Deception built himself a temple in the forest of Svarfeim inhabited by wild elves, who together with animals and woodland creatures lived in harmony and symbiosis. He altered his form and became a druid, deceived the druids and the elven shamans, and with these he began experiments with animals and humans, and the werewolves were created; cursed creatures moulting and ravenous. None among the wild elves could resist his power and their spirits were corrupted, their existences cursed, their hatred, lies and depravity made them damned.

Mannari del Tharghilion
Mannari del Tharghilion

In 30 years, the Chaos Lords occupied the Shinlam and Tharghilion lands, built imposing fortresses in impenetrable territories, and enslaved many peoples and cities of the continent.
They called themselves the Black Kings and hid their identities from the rulers of the Erthuan realms.

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